Friday, February 18, 2011

As you can see, by time, more immigrants came over the years. Many came legally and others came illegally but, all the Americans judge the illegal immigrants when we all know everyone living in the US is an illegal immigrant except for the ones that have Native American descent.

 Many Americans don't like the fact of having so many immigrants in their country. What they don't know is that they have made a huge impact in the country and had taken jobs others didn't want.

 Whats wrong with coming to "the land of opportunities" to have a better life? We all have the right to succeed in life and if coming to the US is the solution then why shouldn't they come. Maybe I understand  all the commotion on illegal immigrants but the reason why do this is because they don't give them the break to come. They are literally forced to come illegally to the US because of their low quality of life.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Journal of an Italian

Journal of: Al Paccino

June  18, 1911

  Its been a hard hard for us here in Italy. There aren't many jobs available and I don't really know what to do with my life. At least I got a letter from my cousin Vinny from the US; he says the family business is running smoothly in the "Bronx". Vinny said I should go over there and join the family business, it doesn't sound like such a bad idea. How bad can working for the mafia be...

June 29, 1911

 I've finally made my decision and packed my bags to go to New York and join the family business. I've got nothing to lose since I left nothing in my hometown in Italy. Now I'll just wait here in this ship and think about how everything is going to be in the so called "Land of Opportunities". Were I'll anxiously wait, to get were my destiny awaits me.

July 7, 1911

  Finally I arrived to the US after all those days in that ship, and as soon as I got there cousin Vinny was already waiting for me. He took all my luggage to were I was going to stay, it wasn't a decent place but I'll have to deal with it in the mean time. We talked for a while and he explained how the business was running and how they worked.  Looks like its a little hard work.

April 3,   1911

Well its been a couple of weeks here in the "Bronx" and everything has gone smoothly. Obviously I don't have the best job, yet, but in time I'll get my promotions. As long as I still have to pay the bills and to eat its great. Even though everything is fine here, I still miss my hometown in Italy. At least I feel at home in this little community filled with Italians. Hope I succeed in this new chapter in my life.


Italian Immigration to the US

  Many Italians came to the US in search for a better life; in search of the American Dream. Since they were from Europe they mostly settled in the east coast of the US. Many italians lacked jobs, money and resources and these were the reasons why they migrated to the country of the US.

  Once the italians decided they wanted to move to the US, they had to plan how to get there. Flying in planes wasn't so popular at that time, so they had to travel on ships to get there. This long journeys on ships were horrible and took weeks, even months. Trips on boat weren't very pleasant, it's not like a cruise now in day. Unfortunately, the only way to travel was by sea.

  Now that they have arrived, settling was a whole different story. Many of the italians that had moved to the Americas, made small communities of Italians in different cities. They took any type of job they could get the hands on, mostly dangerous jobs nobody wanted to do. They tended to live many under one roof and were very filthy. Even though  they had jobs, they were unskilled workers.

  Based on what we know about the immigration of the Italians, we can say that they were hard workers. Even though they didn't have the best jobs, they did everything they could to get their money. Italians did so many things to save money and space. Like most other immigrants they made small communities of their same people in different cities. Just like any other immigrant, they wanted to succeed and do whatever hey could to achieve, they went on the road to live the "American Dream" in "The Land of Opportunities".
