Friday, February 18, 2011

As you can see, by time, more immigrants came over the years. Many came legally and others came illegally but, all the Americans judge the illegal immigrants when we all know everyone living in the US is an illegal immigrant except for the ones that have Native American descent.

 Many Americans don't like the fact of having so many immigrants in their country. What they don't know is that they have made a huge impact in the country and had taken jobs others didn't want.

 Whats wrong with coming to "the land of opportunities" to have a better life? We all have the right to succeed in life and if coming to the US is the solution then why shouldn't they come. Maybe I understand  all the commotion on illegal immigrants but the reason why do this is because they don't give them the break to come. They are literally forced to come illegally to the US because of their low quality of life.

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